Liver Associates of Texas, P.A.


Liver Biopsy

A Liver Biopsy is a Gastroenterology/Hepatology procedure that involves the removal of a small sample of tissue from the liver. It is a medical test that is done to aid diagnosis of liver disease, to assess the severity of known liver disease, and to monitor the progress of treatment. Liver biopsy is often required for the diagnosis of a liver problem (jaundice, abnormal blood tests) where blood tests, such as hepatitis A serology, have not been able to identify a cause.

Liver Biopsy Preparation:

Within one month of your scheduled procedure, you are required to have blood samples taken to make sure your blood clots properly. We must have results by the time of your procedure. Do not take blood thinners, aspirin, Aleve, Advil, Motrin, ibuprofen, or similar arthritis medications for a least a week before your procedure. Take your other daily medications unless otherwise instructed by your physician. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight. Up to the day before the procedure, take any usual medications.

Day of Liver Biopsy:

On the morning of the day of the procedure, if you have high blood pressure or diabetes, do not take blood pressure medications or insulin. Bring those medications with you to take after the procedure. All other usual medications should be taken with a sip of water. Dress casually and comfortably. You will be required to remove your clothing for the biopsy. Please do not bring valuables with you.

Someone will need to drive you to and from the hospital. Do not drive yourself. If you have not made arrangements for someone to drive you, your examination will be cancelled. Public transportation is not acceptable. Please arrive at least one hour prior.

Information Provided By: UCONN Health ©